
Post Resume

With our vision “to be the Choice of Client as Strategic Partner in Talent Search and of Candidate in Career Progression” we offer talent management solutions that provide quality human capital to our clients and people with valuable employment opportunities. We assist people to explore their caliber and excel in their industry. With our research centers across the globe we have the capacity to deliver solutions that are both global and local solutions.

Make a Resume

How to make a Resume

"A good resume can lead you to your dream job"

While applying for a job it is essential to have a detailed resume which can showcase your talent and potential. Thus, the following parameters should be kept in mind while making a resume:

Clearly state your Vision

To showcase one’s leadership qualities it is essential to clearly state positive vision of an individual which can be beneficial for an organization.

Explain your Mastery

A significant part of one’s resume must be donated towards explaining their skills, knowledge and work experience. A brief synopsis on the skills will give details about your strengths and areas where your skills can be utilized in business operations.

Mark your Achievements

It is essential to write about one’s professional and personal achievements in the resume to highlight one’s value and contribution towards their organization growth.

Mention your Loyalty Connection

Another crucial aspect is to emphasize your work stability, respect, genuineness and respect for organizations with which one is associated.

Celebrate your Rewards & Recognition

A resume should speak about the personal and professional awards and recognition achieved.

Site your Values

Draw attention to your qualities such as creativeness, innovation, team-work, open-mindedness, trouble shooter, enthusiasm, gratitude, optimism, social intelligence, self motivation and leadership, capability, curiosity to learn etc.


Career Articles

Build a meaningful career to have a meaningful life

A large number of people go to work each day to a job they don't like to work for. The harmful feelings pervade through their entire life, putting a negative cloud over the family, friends and many of their other activities. They may lack the ability to change, and may be afraid of leaving the surety of a paycheck, or have hundred justifications for them to be so dissatisfied and stay at their job.

There is a better way to live your life and have a purposeful career. Having a meaning for your life is a driving force, which adds exuberance to your days. Having a passion and making it your career -- living a dream -- can not just be a wish, but a true and sure reality. At H2 IT Solutions, we are giving few tips to get your career rolling:

Analyze Yourself

Ask yourself -- What actually matters to me? What are my likes and dislikes? What problems I am having and how can I fix it? What is my passion? What is my secret desire? What do I want to achieve in my life?

By reviewing these questions, you can get an insight as where do you want to go in your life.

Utilize your individual genius and talent

Every person is born with a unique set of natural talent and abilities. You can have a natural flair or talent for various activities, such as - management, creating, writing, research, training others, drawing etc. & you can do these activities very easily and with interest. True happiness and joy comes from within by combining your natural talents and interests, growing & excelling in them, and working in a field, job or industry, which you have a passionate interest in.

Others have achieve it and hence can you

Once you accept the fact in your mind that you can do it, you can have anything in your life that you want. If you want to achieve something, be confident in your approach and think positively. The feeling of being successful has to come first from your inner self.

"Only your mind sets your limits"

The only thing, which stands between you and what you have wanted from your life, is simply the will power to pursue it & the faith to believe that it is possible.

Be Proactive

Most of the people stagger for years and never turn their dreams into reality. They let themselves down and remain in a negative frame of mind. You can change your life only by making an action. Read a book, take vocational tests or use the services of a good career-management professional. Do some career exploration and gather all the news and information that you need. Then make a decision to plan your future. Move forward and outline the action steps to achieve your career objectives.

The only thing you have always wanted from your life is happiness. Finding meaning, purpose and passion every day you go to work is the wonderful prize, so don't wait any longer.

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Interview Do's and Dont's

Interview Do's

Having a interview lined up, be prepared to give your best


It is very essential to research and have an advance idea about the company operations, main product & services, management team etc. The research will assist in understanding the company and what can be possible requirements for the job profile.

Wear the right outfit

On the day of interview be neatly groomed and dressed.

Reach before time

Reach the location 10-15 prior as you might be required to conduct certain formalities.

Carry your resume and important certificates

Carry multiple copies of resume and important certificates as the interviewer might review them during the interview.

Be courteous

Be courteous and respectful to the people you meet as your behavior can be considered during your recommendations and feedbacks.

Do have a friendly expression

During the interview, maintain a friendly expression as it will make the interviewer comfortable while interviewing you.

Be attentive

Be attentive to interviewer questions and understand the question clearly before answering the interviewer. Take few minutes to think and then answer the question accordingly.

Be straight and clear

It is important to be straight and clear while answering questions as it will give an impression of you being comprehensible and focused in your mind.

Be positive

For any interview it is significant to be positive as sometimes more than your qualifications your optimistic approach might get you a job.

Interview Dont's

Be late

Being late for the interview can give an impression of unseriousness towards work and job.

Present weak body language

Be conscious of what you’re presenting to the interviewer. Slouchy walking style, relaxed sitting posture, inadequate eye contact, fumbling and being timid while answering questions will present a weak personality to the interviewer.

Be Negative

During the interview, never express bad feelings about your last job or last boss as it highlights the unprofessionalism within you.

Being inquisitive

Avoid being inquisitive about your salary package, bonus, vacations or other benefits extended by the company. The discussions about such questions can be inquired during the time of offer.

Falsify Things

Never lie to interviewer. Answer all the questions with honesty, truthfulness and succinctly.